Cam on Lac Vieux Desert, Wisconsin - acrylic

Pedicabs in Dumaguete City, Philippines - acrylic

Paris Awning in Le Marais - Paris, France - acrylic

Sticks of Butter - gouache

Flour - gouache

Egg Cartons - gouache

Coffee - watercolor

Sake bottles - watercolor

Tart dessert - acrylic

Unsalted butter - acrylic

Eggs in a jar - watercolor

Cheesecake - watercolor

Chocolates - acrylic

Cappuccino - watercolor

Honey Jars - gouache

Cafe Workers on break - acrylic

Red peppers - watercolor

Waffle cone in a cup - gouache

Lily of the Valley - watercolor

Daisy - acrylic

Red Poppy - acrylic

Sunflower - acrylic

Perfume bottles - watercolor

Mahjong flowers - watercolor

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